Getting your Community Group off on a Great Start!

It’s that time of the year again—Community Groups are starting/re-starting for the Fall.  Yi and I are leading a group that begins next week and we are getting excited.

In light of this season, I thought I’d share 15 ideas to get your group off to a great start:

  • Begin praying for your group and group members now.  The amount of time you spend praying for your group will have a greater impact on your group than anything else you will do.
  • Take some time to think about people you know that are not connected to a group.  Pray for them.  Invite them to your group.  Be proactive about getting people into your group.
  • As your group begins, remember group leaders are environmentalists.  Create an environment that fosters community with each other and communion with God.  If you don’t have it week one, try something different week two.
  • Make EACH individual member feel comfortable and welcome.  Follow up if regular (especially first few weeks).  View each person as an individual (with unique characteristics and needs) rather than a piece of a group.
  • Give all the group members an opportunity to fully introduce themselves.
  • Give significant time in the early weeks getting to know each other.  Mix up the environment, have some fun, bring the group together.  Find “community” early.  This will help other group components fall into place.
  • Explain the group’s goals and purpose.  Define mutually accepted group norms.  Share expectations early.  Work with the group to clarify expectations for your time together.
  • Set the tone for a reproducing culture.
  • Set the tone for a missional culture.
  • Clarify group organization and administrative details (how does food, childcare, etc. work)
  • Work on the team.  The group leaders’ role is not to do all the work, but to set the environment.  Enlist support—hosts, discussion leaders, apprentices.
  • Assign certain tasks that can be shared (organizing food, email updates, event organizers, etc.)
  • Set an example for the group.  Behave as you would expect group members to behave.  Follow the rules the group establishes.  Be honest and open with the group.
  • Go first with being real with your group.  You set the example for how the group will be.  If you want your group to be real and open—YOU have to be real and open first and often.
  • Evaluate (weekly at first, then periodically) and adjust.  Evaluate and adjust.

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